
Revved by samantha towle
Revved by samantha towle

I bloody told her not to, that no good would come of it, especially not so soon after what happened with Charlotte, but she didn’t listen.” Petra’s face frowns at the mention of Amy’s name. But I was knackered when I first got here.” And in the wise words of Bon Jovi, ‘I’ll sleep when I’m dead.’” I’m easily adaptable.” She kicks her flip-flops off. I had a good sleep on the plane, and I’m used to all the traveling around. I’d only just got used to being in England. I’m still trying to adjust to the time zone now. “Sounds great.” I cross my legs on the bed, so I’m sitting Indian-style. Then, we can meet up with the guys for a drink.” We’ll get something to eat, either here or out. We’ll text them and see what the plan is. “Ben said something about going out for a beer later.” I mean, I’ve never had anyone tell me that I do.” “I guess we are.” I slide my hands under my thighs, sitting on them. So, we’re gonna be roomies for the next eight-plus months.” She drops down on the other bed, her bed. Andi, right? We met at Carrick’s birthday?” She closes the door and props her suitcase up against the dresser.

revved by samantha towle revved by samantha towle

“Hi.” I sit up, turning the volume down on the TV.

Revved by samantha towle